Aste arrakastatsua Belfasten ere
Belfastetik kronika eta argazkiak (photos):
Astea ondo egin dugu nahiz eta gehiago izan zitekeen, fetxa hauetan benetan lanpetuta gabiltza. Elkartaratze publikoan 30-40 lagun batu ginen, informatiboa izan zen eta andersonstown Berrietan atera ginen.
Beste ekimen on bat Fermin Vila laguntzeko protesta izan zen, oso parte hartzailea (30 lagun) eta webgunea ere ari gara eguneratzen.
Belfasteko Batzordeko Stephen Coor SF zinegotzia, JJ Magee MLA hauteskunde hurrengo hautagaiak eta Caoimhín MacGiollamhin, SF zinegotzia lehendakaritzara gisa parte hartu zuten 'euskal presoen argazkiak kalera' ekimenean.
Protesta irudian, berriz, Bik (gose grabalaria eta musikaria) duzu Pat Sheehan MLA mendebalde Belfasteko kide ohia eta gose grebalariarekin.
The week went well although we could have done more were we not so busy. The public talk was good with 30-40 people at it. ot was informative and the preview got a good bit of coverage in the andersonstown news.
We also had a protest in support of Fermin Vila and that was well attended. the website is also being updated by tomai.
With regards to the pictures the ones of the talk have Me as the chair of the Belfast Committee, Stephen Coor SF Councillor, JJ Magee MLA candidate in forthcoming election, and Caoimhin MacGiollamhin, SF Councillor
In the pictures of the protest you have Bik with Pat Sheehan MLA for west Belfast and former hungerstriker