Basque Info: ETA is ready for a verification of its ceasefire

Basque Info bulletin, in this issue:

  • ETA is ready for a verification of its ceasefire
  • Spanish Supreme Court blocks the registration of Sortu and Basque society responds
  • New political organisation in Navarre
  • Etxerat calls for changes in the current prison policy
  • Actions against Torture


ETA is ready for a verification of its ceasefire

Nearly three months after its Statement of 10th January in which it announced a general, permanent and verifiable ceasefire, the Basque armed organisation ETA has reaffirmed said decision.

In its first statement since then, the armed organisation shows itself to be ready to submit to a verification of its ceasefire. It states that “the Spanish and French governments don’t want the international community to verify the ceasefire because it would be confirmed, also on the international level, that the only violence which now exists in Euskal Herria (the Basque Country) is that which is committed by the very states themselves.”

Nevertheless, “ETA stands ready to accept an informal verification mechanism. We consider it feasible and believe that an international verification commission can be created.”

The statement also reflects on the events of the past three months. It comments that the existence of two bloques on the political landscape of Euskal Herria is becoming increasingly evident, “on the one hand those of us who wish to open a scenario of freedom and on the other, those who want to maintain a roadblock and imposition.” “We who want to pursue a democratic process to resolve the conflict permanently and those who through repression want to maintain the status quo. "

With this in mind, it calls of the Basque political, social and trade union forces, together with all citizens, to “join forces and to make a commitment to take new steps towards freedom and against repression.”

The statement concludes by re-stating "ETA's commitment to nurture and to bring to a successful democratic resolution" the conflict, with a focus on achieving "freedom and peace for EuskalHerria."



Spanish Supreme Court blocks the registration of Sortu and Basque society responds

Last week the oral hearing on the admissability of the legalisation of Sortu was held. Despite the weakness of the arguments of the Prosecution, the Supreme Court banned the entry to the elections of Sortu on the grounds that the party seeking registration is a continuation of the outlawed Batasuna.

The Abertzale Left in its assessment of the decision wished to note that the refusal to legalise Sortu was not going to cause it to deviate from its path. The political decision of the Supreme Court is a clear indication of the lack of courage of the PSOE and its submission too the PP and demonstrates the lack of any political offer on the part of the State.

1/2 www.basquepeaceprocess.infoFaced with this decision, the signatories to the Gernika Agreement have called for a national demonstration to take place on April 2nd in Bilbao under the slogan: “Normalisation for Euskal Herria – Legalisation now!” The organisers believe that the state wants to sink the process of peace and normalisation in Euskal Herria.

Sortu can yet petition the Constitutional Court to be registered but having considered Sortu to be a continuation of Batasuna the Court is not required to rule of prior to the next elections, making it almost impossible for Sortu to be legalised before April 18th (deadline for the registration of candidates for the elections scheduled for May 22nd).



News Brief

New political organisation in Navarre: At a public event last weekend Eusko Alkartasuna (social democratic nationalist party) and a citizens group called Herritarron Garaia (The Citizens’ Time – individuals belonging to the Abertzale Left-) presented a new political group, seeking to unite all left nationalists, “without vetoes or exclusions.” It also called upon the other provinces of southern Euskal Herria to follow this example and to unite the pro-independence and left forces to oppose Madrid’s vetoes.

Etxerat (the association of relative and friends of Basque political prisoners) calls for a commitment: Etxerat announced that it has asked the various political parties for a round of talks to agree commitments to push for changes in the current prison policy.

Actions against Torture: Hundreds of people demonstrated on the streets of Iruñea/Pamplona on Sunday to denounce the use of torture as the main manifestation of violence today. The organisers, who allege that they were tortured in police stations, demanded an end to incommunicado detention and urged the Spanish Government to implement the recommendations in this regard made by international agencies.

Also last week, the Civic Forum against Torture was also held, also urging the Spanish Government to comply with the recommendations made by the Council of Europe’s Committee on the Prevention of Torture.