Bloody sunday-n eta Dublin-en euskal presoen argazkiak

Dublin basque political prisonersderry bloody sunday basque prisoners

Dublin photos

Derry bloody sunday


Euskal Herriarekin Nazioarteko V. elkartasun astea ate joka daukagu eta berau berotzeko Euskal Herriaren Lagunak euskal preso politikoen argazkiak munduko hainbat bazterretera eramaten ari dira dagozkien eskubideen alde beraiek ere urratsa emanez. Kasu honetan Derry-n urtero 'Bloody sunday' oroituz egiten den martxan atera ziren hainbat ikurrina eta EPPK osoaren kartelarekin eta Dublinen 'Trinity College'-ren aurrean paratu ziren. (Kronika ingelesez)

Astea Askapenak eta Euskal Herriaren Lagunek elkarlanean antolatua da eta otsailaren 7tik 19ra bitartean egingo da. 'Argazkien argazkiak kalera' ekimena hainbat tokitan egiten ari da Mexiko, Argentina (Buenos Aires), Uruguay (Montevideo), Ingalaterra (Londres), Irlanda (Dublin, Belfast, Derry), Eskozia (Glasgow), Frantziar estatua (Paris, Lille), Bretainia (Rennes), Alemania (Berlin), Herrialde Katalanak (Bartzelona), Espainiar estatua (Madril), Suitza (Lucerna), Italia (Roma, Milano, Livorno, Val de Susa, Torino, Bologna, Friul, etab.) eta hemen dauzkazue batzuk: Milano, Berlin, Argentina, Roma, London, Uruguay, Breizh, Torino, México, Barcelona-Gracia, Firenze, Lisboa, Scotland...


La V Semana de Solidaridad internacional con Euskal Herria está a punto de comenzar y a modo de calentamiento las y los Amigos de Euskal Herria están llevando las fotos de los y las presas políticas vascas a distintos rincones del mundo, reivindicando los derechos que les corresponden 'urratsa emanez': ayudando desde distintos pueblos a dar el paso por sus derechos. En este caso se sacaron a las calles en la conmemoración anual del 'Bloody sunday' en Derry, donde sacaron varias ikurriñas y el cartel de todo el colectivo del EPPK, además en Dublin hicieron una concentración delante del 'Trinity College'. (Crónica en inglés)

La semana de solidaridad está organizada por Askapena y los grupos de Amigos y amigas de Euskal Herria y se realizará entre los días 7 y 19 de Febrero. La dinámica de sacar a la calle las fotos de las fotos se está relaizando en muy diversos puntos del planeta: México, Argentina (Buenos Aires), Uruguay (Montevideo), Inglaterra (Londres), Irlanda (Dublin, Belfast, Derry), Escocia (Glasgow), estado francés (Paris, Lille), Bretaña (Rennes), Alemania (Berlin), Països Catalans (Barcelona), estado español (Madrid), Suiza (Lucerna), Italia (Roma, Milano, Livorno, Val de Susa, Torino, Bologna, Friul, etc.). Aquí tenéis algunas: Milano, Berlin, Argentina, Roma, London, Uruguay, Breizh, Torino, México, Barcelona-Gracia, Firenze, Lisboa, Scotland...


The V International Solidarity Week with Euskal Herria is about to begin, previously the Friends of Euskal Herria are taking the photos of the Basque political prisoners and carry them to different corners of the world. Here are some: Milano, Berlin, Argentina, Roma, London, Uruguay, Breizh, Torino, México, Barcelona-Gracia, Firenze, Lisboa, Scotland... Here you see some 'ikurrinas' and the all the basque prisoners photos in Derry in the 'Bloody sunday' anual marching and a protest displaying the photos of twenty Basque political prisoners in front of one of Dublin's landmarks, Trinity College Dublin. (Read the statement bellow)


La V Semaine de la Solidarité Internationale avec Euskal Herria est sur le point de commencer, précédemment les Ami(e)s d'Euskal Herria prennent les photos des prisonniers politiques basques aux différents coins du monde. Voici quelques-unes: Milano, Berlin, Argentina, Roma, London, Uruguay, Breizh, Torino, México, Barcelona-Gracia, Firenze, Lisboa, Scotland...


La V Settimana Internazionale di Solidarietà con Euskal Herria sta per iniziare, in precedenza gli Amici di Euskal Herria sta prendendo le foto dei prigionieri politici baschi e li portano a diversi angoli del mondo. Eccone alcune: Milano, Berlin, Argentina, Roma, London, Uruguay, Breizh, Torino, México, Barcelona-Gracia, Firenze, Lisboa, Scotland...



Among city centre weekend shopping and tourist crowds yesterday, Basque solidarity activists held a protest displaying the photos of twenty Basque political prisoners in front of one of Dublin's landmarks, Trinity College Dublin.  The protest had been organised by the Dublin Basque Solidarity Committee as part of an international solidarity protest with Basque political prisoners and their families and friends at this time,
A DBSC spokesperson said: "In many parts of the world over the coming days, Basque solidarity activists and Friends of the Basque Country committees will be carrying out similar protests in front of landmarks of other cities.  We are doing this in solidarity with the relatives and friends of Basque political prisoners and in protest at the Spanish state's actions from last Summer up until the present, in arresting solidarity activists, removing and banning the display of photos from a number of social clubs and taverns, arresting people and threatening prisoners's support organisations in the Basque Country.  Had we been taking this action in the Spanish state we would have been arrested under a charge of "glorifying terrorism", risking a sentence of at least two years' prison and perhaps much longer." 
The spokesperson continued: "We are also doing this in solidarity with the prisoners' themselves of which there are more than 750 and the number climbing almost weekly, spread over the Spanish and French states, most of them thousands of kilometres from their families, subject to harassment and denial of rights, held in prison beyond their original sentences and even when seriously or terminally ill."
On the mood in the Basque Country, the spokesperson referred to the huge demonstration there earlier this month in solidarity with the prisoners, as well as to the increasing unity of Basque organisations around the demand for self-determination for their nation, including the option of separation from the Spanish and French states, as well as the recent statement of the armed organisation ETA that it has called 'a permanent and internationally verifiable ceasefire.'  
"And what has been the response of the Spanish state to these facts?" enquired the DBSC spokesperson.  "More and more repression!  The Spanish state is demonstrating that it does not want peace in the Basque Country but instead wishes to crush the Basque movement for self-determination.  It bans political parties, youth and social organisations, closes newspapers and radio stations, arrests journalists, lawyers and political activists and has been condemned by a number of international humanitarian organisations for police torture of detainees."
The Irish Basque Solidarity Committees, of which the Dublin committee is a part, states that it has a number of actions planned over the coming weeks.  The Dublin committee has planned a protest for Saturday 12th outside the GPO followed by a social for supporters that evening and also has a speaker from the Basque Country speaking at a number of Dublin venues on the 16th.  The speaker is from Udalbitza, a pan-Basque organisation of elected public representatives, including town mayors and councillors, who have been charged by the Spanish state with "supporting terrorism."  Convictions of Basque political activists by the Spanish 'anti-terror' special courts have been dogged by allegations of lack of proper evidence, lack of due process and reliance on statements made in incommunicado detention which have been withdrawn by the detainees immediately upon going before a judge as being untrue and having been obtained under torture.
End statement.