elkartasun astea 09





A todas las personas solidarias con Euskal Herria

A todas organizaciones políticas y sociales, a los movimientos populares revolucionarios


ASKAPENA, organización internacionalista vasca, hace un llamamiento en favor de la SEMANA INTERNACIONAL DE SOLIDARIDAD CON EUSKAL HERRIA que se celebrará del 6 al 15 de febrero de 2009.


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Le Pays basque ne marche pas seul.

mocratie et autodétermination

A toutes les personnes solidaires avec le Pays basque

A toutes les organisations politiques et sociales, aux mouvements populaires révolutionnaires


ASKAPENA, organisation internationaliste basque, lance un appel en faveur de la SEMAINE INTERNATIONALE DE SOLIDARITE AVEC LE PAYS BASQUE qui aura lieu du 9 au 15 février 2009.

computer-banner   street-banner   radio-calling   video-spot




To all those who are in solidarity with the Basque Country!

To all political and social organisations, to the popular revolutionary movements!


ASKAPENA, Basque internationalist organisation, calls for action in the International Solidarity With the Basque Country Week which will take place from the 6th to the 15th February 2009.

computer-banner   street-banner   radio-calling   video-spot




A tutte le persone solidali con Euskal Herria!

A tutte le organizzazioni politiche e sociali e ai movimenti popolari rivoluzionari!

A tutte le piattaforme di amiche e amici di Euskal Herria nel mondo!
ASKAPENA, Oganizzazione Internazionalista Basca, lancia un appello in favore della “SETTIMANA INTERNAZIONALE DI SOLIDARIETÁ CON EUSKAL HERRIA” que si terrá dal 6 al 15 febbraio del 2009. 

computer-banner   street-banner   radio-calling   video-spot




To all those who are in solidarity with the Basque Country!

To all political and social organisations, to the popular revolutionary movements!


ASKAPENA, Basque internationalist organisation, calls for action in the International Solidarity With the Basque Country Week which will take place from the 6th to the 15th February 2009.

computer-banner   street-banner   radio-calling   video-spot


International solidarity with the Basque country was not born yesterday. Support from different areas and peoples of the world for the struggle of the men and women of the Basque Left Pro-independence Movement for the construction of an independent and socialist Basque Country has existed for a long time. Just as also in this period which, after centuries of struggle in other historical periods against the Spanish and French states, began anew at the height of Francoism in the decade of the 60s.

How could we forget the wave of demonstrations of 1969 – 1970, in solidarity, popular and universal, in the Spanish state and throughout all Europe, which dragged the governments of Austria, Sweden, Norway, Federal Germany, Italy, France, Belgium etc. to protest to the dictator Franco about the new death sentences and of 752 years of prison sentences on ETA militants? How could we forget that great victory of international solidarity and of the struggle of the Basque Country against the Burgos Judgement?

Other examples of solidarity were the mobilisations to save the lives of Txiki and Otaegi, to prevent them being executed in September 1975; arrests of French intellectuals and their later deportation from the Spanish state; solidarity protests all over Europe by trade unions and solidarity organisations. Bright was that hatred expressed against Franco's dictatorship and the solidarity with the aforementioned Basque militants, along with three Spanish comrades, executed by the dictator. Spanish embassies and interests were seriously damaged all over Europe: Lisbon, Stockholm, The Hague, Brussels, Rome and even in Manhattan.

We cannot forget the International Campaigns Against the Nuclear Generator of Lemoiz in the summer of 1981, when people who fought against nuclear energy from all corners of the continent convened in Algorta, answering the call of the Basque Anti-Nuclear Committees. They showed us the connivance of the nuclear industry with the armaments industry, with capitalist development, as well as helping us to create a popular tidal wave that buried that monster of capitalist imposition and madness that was Lemoiz.

How painfull was that August of '94 in the Montevideo Filtro Hospital, the General Strike against the extradition of the three Basques to the Spanish torturers, the hundreds of people injured, two people murdered in that human solidarity blockade, Morroni and Facal; the dogs, gassing, truncheons and sabres employed against the immense solidarity with the Basque Country so that we carry inside us that slogan : “Fascist Lacalle, you are the terrorist!”

And the recently-organised Solidarity with the Basque Country Committees and the platforms of Friends of the Basque Country, showing and re-affirming that the longing for a free and socialist Euskal Herria does not walk alone, but is well accompanied.

They are our best loudspeakers, their denunciations of torture, of the bannings, of the storm clouds heralding a democratic logic ..... They are also part of what we need.

The Spanish and French states have united to extinguish the Basque people by one way or another, employing total repression against any movement or organisation that represents some sector of the Basque people. They do not shrink from altering laws or the penal codes; anything suits them to apply the maximum years in jail possible to the Basque political prisoners; anything suits them to imprison the youth and others who fight for a free Basque Country.

We already know the reason for this injustice, expressed by the collective imprisoned by the mass trial of 18/ 98: “To make impossible the Basque democracy, that which will make possible the creation of a Basque state if that should be decided by the majority in the Basque Country. It is that, independence, which has them in a panic. The possibility that equality, respect and solidarity should replace imposition, negation and war, which are the principles that govern relations between the imprisoned populations in the Spanish and French states.”

And our objective is also clear, as stated by Juan Paredes Manot “Txiki”, on the eve of his execution: “We should not forget our objective: the creation of a Socialist Basque State, the objective for which many revolutionary fighters have fallen and given their lives; then shall our objective be achieved and you can construct a new society, without classes, where the exploitation of man by man does not exist.”

In order to achieve these objectives we need international solidarity, we need to advance together with those people who understand our ardent desire for liberty and who wish to accompany us on our journey.


We hope that this week will be a new departure in the struggle, a new advance in internationalist solidarity.







Accounts and photos of the mobilisations:




International solidarity with the Basque country was not born yesterday. Support from different areas and peoples of the world for the struggle of the men and women of the Basque Left Pro-independence Movement for the construction of an independent and socialist Basque Country has existed for a long time. Just as also in this period which, after centuries of struggle in other historical periods against the Spanish and French states, began anew at the height of Francoism in the decade of the 60s.

How could we forget the wave of demonstrations of 1969 – 1970, in solidarity, popular and universal, in the Spanish state and throughout all Europe, which dragged the governments of Austria, Sweden, Norway, Federal Germany, Italy, France, Belgium etc. to protest to the dictator Franco about the new death sentences and of 752 years of prison sentences on ETA militants? How could we forget that great victory of international solidarity and of the struggle of the Basque Country against the Burgos Judgement?

Other examples of solidarity were the mobilisations to save the lives of Txiki and Otaegi, to prevent them being executed in September 1975; arrests of French intellectuals and their later deportation from the Spanish state; solidarity protests all over Europe by trade unions and solidarity organisations. Bright was that hatred expressed against Franco's dictatorship and the solidarity with the aforementioned Basque militants, along with three Spanish comrades, executed by the dictator. Spanish embassies and interests were seriously damaged all over Europe: Lisbon, Stockholm, The Hague, Brussels, Rome and even in Manhattan.

We cannot forget the International Campaigns Against the Nuclear Generator of Lemoiz in the summer of 1981, when people who fought against nuclear energy from all corners of the continent convened in Algorta, answering the call of the Basque Anti-Nuclear Committees. They showed us the connivance of the nuclear industry with the armaments industry, with capitalist development, as well as helping us to create a popular tidal wave that buried that monster of capitalist imposition and madness that was Lemoiz.

How painfull was that August of '94 in the Montevideo Filtro Hospital, the General Strike against the extradition of the three Basques to the Spanish torturers, the hundreds of people injured, two people murdered in that human solidarity blockade, Morroni and Facal; the dogs, gassing, truncheons and sabres employed against the immense solidarity with the Basque Country so that we carry inside us that slogan : “Fascist Lacalle, you are the terrorist!”

And the recently-organised Solidarity with the Basque Country Committees and the platforms of Friends of the Basque Country, showing and re-affirming that the longing for a free and socialist Euskal Herria does not walk alone, but is well accompanied.

They are our best loudspeakers, their denunciations of torture, of the bannings, of the storm clouds heralding a democratic logic ..... They are also part of what we need.

The Spanish and French states have united to extinguish the Basque people by one way or another, employing total repression against any movement or organisation that represents some sector of the Basque people. They do not shrink from altering laws or the penal codes; anything suits them to apply the maximum years in jail possible to the Basque political prisoners; anything suits them to imprison the youth and others who fight for a free Basque Country.

We already know the reason for this injustice, expressed by the collective imprisoned by the mass trial of 18/ 98: “To make impossible the Basque democracy, that which will make possible the creation of a Basque state if that should be decided by the majority in the Basque Country. It is that, independence, which has them in a panic. The possibility that equality, respect and solidarity should replace imposition, negation and war, which are the principles that govern relations between the imprisoned populations in the Spanish and French states.”

And our objective is also clear, as stated by Juan Paredes Manot “Txiki”, on the eve of his execution: “We should not forget our objective: the creation of a Socialist Basque State, the objective for which many revolutionary fighters have fallen and given their lives; then shall our objective be achieved and you can construct a new society, without classes, where the exploitation of man by man does not exist.”

In order to achieve these objectives we need international solidarity, we need to advance together with those people who understand our ardent desire for liberty and who wish to accompany us on our journey.


We hope that this week will be a new departure in the struggle, a new advance in internationalist solidarity.







Accounts and photos of the mobilisations:




La solidarietá internazionalista con Euskal Herria esiste giá da molto tempo.

L’appoggio di diversi popoli del mondo alla lotta delle donne e degli uomini della sinistra indipendentista basca, per il conseguimento di una Euskal Herria indipendente e socialista, viene da molto lontano: nasce giá a partire dagli anni ‘60, in pieno periodo franchista, quando in Euskal Herria iniziava una nuova fase di lotta contro lo stato spagnolo e quello francese.

Come dimenticare l’ondata di manifestazioni nello stato spagnolo ed in Europa del 1969-1970? Furono manifestazioni solidali, popolari e universitarie, per protestare contro le richieste di nove condanne a morte e 752 anni di carcere nei confronti di militanti di Eta nel Processo di Burgos, volute dal dittatore Franco; le manifestazioni coinvolsero i governi di Austria, Svizzera, Norvegia, Germania Federale, Italia, Francia, Belgio. Come potremmo dimenticare questa grande mobilitazione internazionale e di lotta in Euskal Herria grazie alla quale tutte le condanne a morte furono cancellate?

Altro esempio di solidarietá furono le mobilitazioni del settembre del 1975, per impedire che i due militanti di ETA Txiki e Otaegi venissero fucilati. Durante queste mobilitazioni alcuni intellettuali francesi furono arrestati e successivamente espulsi dallo stato spagnolo. Ci furono proteste solidali in tutta Europa, guidate da sindacati e da altre organizzazioni. Nelle cittá di Lisbona, Stoccolma, L’Aia, Bruxelles, Roma e Manhattan le ambasciate spagnole furono seriamente danneggiate e con loro altri vari punti nevralgici per gli interessi dello stato spagnolo.

Queste proteste furono indice in Europa di un odio sempre piú crescente nei confronti della dittatura franchista e dall’altro canto di una grande dimostrazione di solidarietá nei confronti degli ultimi due militanti baschi, uniti ad altri tre spagnoli, che furono fucilati per volontá del dittatore.

Non possiamo dimenticare le giornate internazionali contro la centrale nucleare di Lemoiz durante l’estate del 1981, quando da tutti gli angoli del continente, persone che lottavano contro l’utilizzo di energia nucleare, confluirono ad Algorta, rispondendo all’appello dei Comitati Antinucleari Baschi. Ci insegnarono i rapporti di connivenza tra la costruzione di centrali nucleari e l’industria delle armi e lo sviluppo del capitalismo; ci aiutarono, inoltre, a creare un’immensa ondata popolare che riuscí a sotterrare questo mostro di imposizione e follia capitalista che era Lemoiz.

Cuanto fu doloroso quell’agosto del 1994 nell’ospedale Filtro di Montevideo in Uruguay. Durante lo sciopero generale contro l’estradizione di tre baschi per metterli nelle mani di torturatori spagnoli, la polizia utilizzó gas, cani, manganelli e spade contro i manifestanti; durante questo momento di grande solidarietá nei confronti di Euskal Herria ci furono centinaia di persone ferite e due giovani, Morroni e Facal, furono assasinati. Ancora portiamo con noi quello slogan “Lacalle fascista, vos sos el terrorista” (Lacalle fascista, tu sei il terrorista).

E non possiamo dimenticare i comitati di solidarietá con Euskal Herria e le piattaforme di amici e amiche di Euskal Herria che si sono organizzati recentemente, dimostrando e riconfermando che la lotta per una Euskal Herria libera e socialista, non cammina sola, ma al contrario é ben accompagnata. Sono i nostri migliori portavoce; per noi sono di grande importanza le denunce delle torture, delle illegalizzazioni, della chiusura dello stato spagnolo e di quello francese ad una risoluzione democratica del conflitto, che queste piattaforme e comitati portano avanti.

Lo stato spagnolo e quello francese si sono uniti per annientare, con qualsiasi mezzo, le rivendicazioni del popolo basco: utilizzano la repressione, in tutti i settori e contro qualsiasi movimento o organizzazione impegnata in questa lotta; non si fanno scrupoli a cambiare la legge e i codici penali o a intervenire con qualsiasi altro mezzo, pur di mantenere in carcere i prigionieri e le prigioniere politiche basche; qualsiasi pretesto é valido per incarcerare i giovani e tutte le persone che lottano per una Euskal Herria libera.

Grazie alle dichiarazioni dei militanti condannati ed incarcerati nel processo 18/98 conosciamo il perché di questa follia “per rendere impossibile la democrazia basca, quella che potrebbe rendere possibile la creazione di uno stato Basco, se cosí decidesse la maggioranza delle persone che fanno parte di Euskal Herria. Proprio di questo hanno paura, dell’indipendenza; della possibilitá che l’uguaglianza, il rispetto e la solidarietá sostituiscano l’imposizione, la negazione e la guerra; questi ultimi sono i principi che guidano le relazioni tra i popoli prigionieri e lo stato spagnolo e quello francese.

Il nostro obiettivo é chiaro: come disse Juan Paredes Manot (Txiki) il giorno prima di essere fucilato “Non dobbiamo dimenticare il nostro obiettivo: la creazione di uno stato socialista basco, l’ obiettivo per il quale sono caduti ed hanno dato la vita molti militanti rivoluzionari, solo allora avremo raggiunto il nostro obiettivo e potrete costruire una societá nuova, senza classi, dove non esista lo sfruttamento dell’uomo sull’uomo.

Per conseguire questi obiettivi abbiamo bisogno della solidarietá internazionale, abbiamo bisogno di andare avanti insieme a tutte quelle persone che comprendono il nostro bisogno di libertá e che vogliono accompagnarci in questo cammino.

Speriamo che questa settimana ci dia l’opportunitá di incontrarci in questa lotta comune affinché la solidarietá internazionalista faccia un ulteriore passo in avanti.







Crónicas y fotos de las movilizaciones:




  La solidaridad internacionalista con Euskal Herria no nació ayer. El apoyo desde diversos lugares y pueblos del mundo a la lucha de las mujeres y hombres de la Izquierda Independentista Vasca por la consecución de una Euskal Herria independiente y socialista viene de lejos. Casi tanto como la nueva génesis de esta última etapa que, después de siglos de lucha en otras coordenadas históricas frente a los Estados español y francés, comenzara en pleno franquismo en la década de los sesenta.

¿Cómo olvidarnos de la oleada de manifestaciones de 1969-1970, solidarias, populares y universitarias, en el Estado español y en toda Europa, que arrastraron a los gobiernos de Austria, Suecia, Noruega, Alemania Federal, Italia, Francia, Bélgica, etc., a protestar ante el dictador Franco por las nueve peticiones de muerte y 752 años de cárcel a militantes de ETA? ¿Cómo podríamos olvidar esa gran victoria de la solidaridad internacional y de la lucha de Euskal Herria contra el Juicio de Burgos?

Otro ejemplo de solidaridad fueron las movilizaciones por salvar la vida de Txiki y Otaegi, por impedir que fueran fusilados en septiembre de 1975. Detenciones de intelectuales franceses en Madrid y su posterior expulsión del Estado español, protestas solidarias por toda Europa dirigidas por sindicatos y organizaciones solidarias. Clarificante aquel odio desbocado contra la dictadura franquista y la solidaridad a favor de los dos últimos militantes vascos, junto a tres españoles, fusilados por el dictador. Embajadas e intereses españoles fueron seriamente dañados en toda Europa, Lisboa, Estocolmo, La Haya, Bruselas, Roma y hasta en Manhattan.

 No podemos olvidar las Jornadas Internacionales Contra la Central Nuclear de Lemoiz del verano de 1981, cuando personas que luchaban contra la energía nuclear de todos los rincones del continente confluyeron en Algorta, respondiendo al llamamiento de los Comités Antinucleares Vascos. Nos enseñaron las connivencias de las nucleares con la industria armamentista, con el desarrollo capitalista, además de ayudarnos a crear una inmensa ola popular que enterró ese monstruo de imposición y locura capitalista que era Lemoiz.

Qué doloroso fue aquel agosto del 94 en el Hospital Filtro de Montevideo, la Huelga General en contra de la extradición de tres vascos para ponerlos en manos de torturadores españoles, los cientos de personas heridas, dos personas asesinadas en el cerco solidario humano, Morroni y Facal, los perros, gases, palos y sables utilizados contra la INMENSA solidaridad con Euskal Herria. Qué adentro llevamos aquel “Lacalle fascista, vos sos el terrorista”.

Y los Comités de Solidaridad con Euskal Herria y las plataformas de Amigas y amigos de Euskal Herria recientemente organizadas, demostrando y reconfirmando que el ansia de una Euskal Herria libre y socialista no camina sola, sino que está muy bien acompañada.

Son nuestros mejores altavoces, sus denuncias de las torturas, de las ilegalizaciones, de la cerrazón a una lógica democrática… También son una de nuestras necesidades.

Los Estados español y francés se han unido para acabar con el pueblo vasco como sea, utilizando la represión a fondo contra cualquier movimiento u organización que represente algún sector del pueblo vasco. No se cortan para cambiar las leyes, los códigos penales, cualquier cosa les va bien para mantener el máximo de años posible a los presos y presas políticas vascas en la cárcel, cualquier cosa les vale para encarcelar a la juventud, a las personas que luchan por una Euskal Herria libre.

El porqué de la sinrazón ya lo sabemos, por boca del colectivo encarcelado en el macrosumario 18/98: ”Para hacer imposible la democracia vasca, la que posibilitará la creación de un Estado vasco si es que así lo decide la mayoría en Euskal Herria. A eso, a la independencia, es a lo que le tienen pánico. A la posibilidad de que la igualdad, el respeto y la solidaridad sustituyan la imposición, la negación y la guerra que son los principios que guían las relaciones entre los pueblos presos en los Estados español y francés”.

Y nuestro objetivo también está claro, como ya dijera Juan Paredes Manot “Txiki”, un día antes de ser fusilado:No debemos olvidar nuestro objetivo: la creación de un Estado Socialista Vasco, objetivo por el cual han caído y han dado la vida muchos militantes revolucionarios, entonces se habrá cumplido nuestro objetivo y podréis construir una sociedad nueva, sin clases, donde no exista la explotación del hombre por el hombre”.

Para conseguir estos objetivos necesitamos la solidaridad internacional, necesitamos avanzar juntos con todas aquellas personas que comprendan nuestra ansia de libertad y que quieran acompañarnos en nuestro camino.


Esperamos que esta semana sea un nuevo encuentro en la lucha, un nuevo avance de la solidaridad internacionalista.







Crónicas y fotos de las movilizaciones:







La solidarité internationaliste avec le Pays basque ne date pas d'hier. Le soutien en provenance de différents lieux et peuples du monde envers, la lutte des femmes et hommes de la Gauche Indépendantiste basque pour l'obtention d'un Pays basque indépendant et socialiste vient de loin. Presque autant que la nouvelle genèse de cette dernière étape qui, après des siècles de lutte dans d'autres coordonnées historiques face aux États espagnol et français, commencera en plein franquisme dans les années soixante.

Comment oublier la vague de manifestations de 1969-1970, solidaires, populaires et universitaires, dans l'État espagnol et dans toute l'Europe, qui poussèrent les gouvernements d'Autriche, Suède, Norvège, Allemagne Fédérale, Italie, France, Belgique, etc., à protester face au dictateur Franco pour les neuf demandes de peine de mort et les 752 anées de prison contre des militants de l'ETA? Comment pourrions-nous oublier cette grande victoire de la solidarité internationale et de la lutte du Pays basque contre le procès de Burgos?

Autres exemples de solidarité furent les mobilisations pour sauver la vie de Txiki et d’Otaegi, pour empêcher qu'ils soient fusillés en septembre 1975. Détentions d'intélectuels français à Madrid suivies par leur expulsion de l'État espagnol, protestations solidaires partout en Europe dirigées par des syndicats et des organisations solidaires. Mise en évidence, cette haine déchaînée contre la dictature franquiste et la solidarité en faveur des deux derniers militants basques, avec trois espagnols, fusilllés par le dictateur. Ambassades et intérêts espagnols subirent de sérieux dégâts dans toute l'Europe, Lisbonne, Stokolm, La Haye, Bruxelles, Rome et même à Manhattan.

Nous ne pouvons pas oublier les Journées Internationales contre la Centrale Nucléaire de Lemoiz de l'été 1981, quand des personnes qui luttaient contre l'énergie nucléaire venues de tous les recoins du continent confluèrent à Algorta, répondant à l'appel des Comités Antinucléaires Basques. Ils nous montrèrent les connivences du nucléaire avec l'industrie de l'armement, avec le développement capitaliste, en plus de nous aider à créer une immense vague populaire qui enterra ce monstre d'imposition et folie capitaliste qu'était Lemoiz.

Que de douleur souleva ce mois d'août 94 à l'hôpital Filtro de Montevideo, la Grève Générale contre l'extradition de trois Basques, contre leur remise entre les mains de tortionnaires espagnols, des centaines de personnes blessées, deux personnes assassinées parmis la foule solidaire réunie, Morroni et Facal, des chiens, des gaz, batons et sabres utilisés contre l'INMENSE solidarité avec le Pays basque. Nous portons profondément ce “Lacalle fascista, vos sos el terrorista” (“Lacalle fasciste, c'est vous le terroriste”).

Et les Comités de Solidarité avec le Pays basque et les plateformes des Amies et amis du Pays basque organisées depuis peu, démontrent et confirment à nouveau que la volonté d'un Pays basque libre et socialiste ne marche pas seule, mais qu'elle est très bien accompagnée.

Ce sont nos meilleurs hauts-parleurs, leurs dénonciations des tortures, des illégalisations, du refus d'une logique démocratique… Ils sont aussi une de nos nécessités.

Les États espagnol et français se sont unis pour en terminer avec le peuple basque par tout moyen, utilisant la répression à fond contre n'importe quel mouvement ou organisation représentant le moindre secteur du peuple basque. Ils ne se gènent pas pour changer les lois, les codes pénals, tout est bon pour maintenir le maximum d'années possibles les prisonnières et prisonniers politiques basques en prison, tout est bon pour incarcérer la jeunesse, les personnes qui luttent pour une Pays basque libre.

Le motif de cette déraison nous le connaissons par la bouche du collectif incarcéré dans le macro-procès 18/98: “Pour rendre impossible la démocratie basque, celle qui possibiliterait la création d'un État basque si ainsi en décidait la majorité en Pays basque. Envers cela et l'indépendance, ils font preuve d'une véritable panique. Ainsi qu'envers la possibilité que l'égalité, le respect et la solidarité remplacent l'imposition, la négation et la guerre qui sont les principes guidant les relations entre les peuples prisonniers dans les États espagnol et français”.

Et notre objectif est également clair, comme l'avait dit Juan Paredes Manot “Txiki”, un jour avant d'être fusillé:Nous ne devons pas oublier notre objectif: la création d'un État Socialiste Basque, objectif poour lequel sont tombés et ont donné la vie beaucoup de militants révolutionnaires, alors aura été atteint notre objectif et vous pourrez construire une société nouvelle, sans classes, où n'existe pas l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme”.

Pour atteindre ces objectifs nous avons besoin de la solidarité internationale, nous avons besoin d'avancer ensemble avec toutes les personnes qui comprennent notre désir de liberté et qui veulent nous accompagner sur notre chemin.

Nous espérons que cette semaine soit une nouvelle rencontre dans la lutte, une nouvelle avancée de la solidarité internationaliste.




Chroniques et photos des mobilisations :

