Kopenageko elkartasun astea/solidarity week
Kopenagen (Danimarka) 6 ekimen egin dira astean zehar, eta gainera betako Euskal herriaren Lagunei Aarus-etik ere hurbildu zitzaizkien han ere elkartasun talde bat egin nahian. Zorionak! eta animo!!!
Solidarity week in Copenhagen, status and pictures:
11-02-11: Reception for t-shirts and a kick off of the week: 15 participants
14-02-11: Manifestation in front of the spanish embassy: 8 participants
15-02-11: Meeting and discussion about the new political situation: 12 participants
18-02-11: Film and discussion: 7 participants
19-02-11: Meeting with two members from EXTERAT: 19 participants
19-02-11: Solidarityparty with/for the Basque Country: 40 people
In general about the week it’s positive that there were a lot of new people showing interest in the Basque Country. A delegation from Aarhus (who wants to start a Basque group in cooperation with Copenhagen) came the last day and were very positive and wants to be part of a study trip to the Basque Country this summer. So now we’re planning the trip.