Basque Info: New pro-independence and socialist political party launched for new phase of struggle


New pro-independence and socialist political party launched for new phase of struggle

The Abertzale Left has taken new steps towards the creation of a new political party. On Monday 7th, in front of more than 500 representatives and personalities of Basque society, Pro-Independence Left spokespersons Rufi Etxeberria and Iñigo Iruin presented the new party’s constitution to a crowded room in the Euskalduna Congress Palace.


Etxeberria, life-long member of the Pro-Independence Left, explained the political background to the historical step, highlighting that it was the outcome of a two year-long debate where the strategic and organisational bases have been reviewed while maintaining the same objectives: independence and socialism.



Solicitor Iñigo Iruin, also a life-long member of the Abertzale Left, focused on the legal aspects. He clarified how and why the constitution of the new political organization promotes exclusively peaceful and democratic methods. This is made clear when the rules state “rejection of” and “separation from” any violence.


As is clearly reflected in the constitution this is a new political organization in all aspects. The Pro-Independence Left has taken a strategic decision to base its struggle on exlusively peaceful ways and the building up of pro-independence forces. In order to develop that strategy there is the need for a legal party and in order to get that it has writen its constitution which fulfills the requirements demanded by the Spanish and European tribunals. “Sortu” will be the party’s name. It breaks with any other previous organisational model and rejects all violence, including that of ETA.


The constitution clearly rejects the use of all kind of violence as a tool of political action or method to achieve political objectives whatever are its origin or nature. Moreover, as the Gernika Agreement says, the constitution highlights the intention to contribute towards the definite and total disappearance of any kind of violence and that of ETA in particular.


Monday’s was without any doubt an event of great significance and in which the Abertzale Left made it clear what is its new challenge: the use of exclusively peaceful and democratic ways to achieve a new political scenario, a scenario based on the Basque people’s sovereignty and free decision, without any kind of interference. For that the Pro-Independence Left is ready to take the necessary steps to build up the pro-sovereignty forces and considers its political legalisation as the first step towards that new scenario.


Those who attended the event recognised that yesterday’s was an important event in which the Abertzale Left has taken a step forward, leaving the Spanish authorities with no excuses to impede the legalisation process.


The representatives of PNV, EA, Aralar, Izquierda Unida and Alternatiba parties viewed very positively what they heard from the spokespersons and clearly stated that now the ball is in the hands of the Spanish Government and that it is up to it to respond accordingly. To the suprise of many, even one of the judges of the Basque Region’s High Tribunal said that the constitution is legally impeccable.


The responses of the Spanish Government, Socialist Party (social democratic) and Popular Party (right wing) took some time to be made public as they didn’t expect the step taken by the Abertzale Left. Now they will all have to rearrange their strategies and discourses.


The importance of the Abertzale Left’s statement forced the Basque Autonomous Region’s president Patxi Lopez to appear before the media at 5pm, hours after the Abertzale Left’s event. He admitted that there were new elements present and viewed the steps the Abertzale Left is taking as positive. However, he went on to say that the “well intentioned statements must necessarily be followed by tangible facts to reassure society.”


From Madrid, Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba acted as the Spanish Government’s spokesperson to announce that he will send the new party’s constitution to the state’s Prosecutor General to decide whether they comply with the Parties’ Law.


In this manner he advertised the possibility of the illegalisation of the new political organization although he said that it is the remit of the judicial system to take the final decision and that the the Government will respect it.


The Popular Party demanded of the Government not to accept the new party. The PP’s only proposal is repression and to silence Basque society’s voice.


The event had great impact on the media. All the Basque and Spanish newspapers immediately reported it on their websites and it became front page news on the following day’s paper editions. Other international media like CNN, BBC, New York Times, The Guardian and Le Monde also carried the news.


Finally on Tuesday the new party was presented by ten sponsors at a press conference. The party’s name is Sortu (“Create” in Basque language) and among its objectives are the creation of a Basque independent state, socialism and participatory democracy, the promotion of the Basque language and equality for women and youth. The new party’s sponsors went to Madrid on Wednesday 9th to register the party. Sinn Féin member Alex Maskey was with them there. In coming weeks they will start developing Sortu’s structures.



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