Belfastetik elkartasuna
Submitted by admin on Ar, 2008/11/18 - 17:52
Belfaste Basque Committee/EHrekiko Elkartasun Euskal Komiteak deituta 20 lagun bildu ziren atzo Belfasteko epaitegiaren aurrean Inaki de Juanari sustengua adierazteko.
Hauxe da Irish Basque Solidarity Committees-k atera duen agiria:
-In the 21st century the Basque Country, the oldest nation in Europe, has still its rights denied. The Basque Country suffers a continued repressive attack from both the French and Spanish states. Among the last few years attacks we can include:
-the bannings of political parties and social and human rights organizations.
-the closing down of newspapers, magazines and radio stations.
-the arrests and tortures of hundreds of social and political activists.
-the lack of freedom of speech, association and reunion.
-the scattering in 82 jails of 756 Basque political prisoners.
-the illegal imprisonment of ill prisoners and the extension of sentences up to 40 years in prison.
-We support the right of the Basque people to live free from any kind of harassment in the Basque Country and anywhere else in the world.
-We support the right of the Basque people to decide their future freely, the right to self-determination.
-Finally, and with all of this in mind, we want to show all our support to former Basque political prisoner and hunger striker Inaki de Juana.
Irish Basque Solidarity Committees
-In the 21st century the Basque Country, the oldest nation in Europe, has still its rights denied. The Basque Country suffers a continued repressive attack from both the French and Spanish states. Among the last few years attacks we can include:
-the bannings of political parties and social and human rights organizations.
-the closing down of newspapers, magazines and radio stations.
-the arrests and tortures of hundreds of social and political activists.
-the lack of freedom of speech, association and reunion.
-the scattering in 82 jails of 756 Basque political prisoners.
-the illegal imprisonment of ill prisoners and the extension of sentences up to 40 years in prison.
-We support the right of the Basque people to live free from any kind of harassment in the Basque Country and anywhere else in the world.
-We support the right of the Basque people to decide their future freely, the right to self-determination.
-Finally, and with all of this in mind, we want to show all our support to former Basque political prisoner and hunger striker Inaki de Juana.
Irish Basque Solidarity Committees
BBSC calls for case against Inaki de Juana Chaos to be dropped.
The Belfast Basque Solidarity Committee has called for the case brought a Basque living in Belfast, Inaki de Juana Chaos to be dropped. The case brought by the Spanish prosecution service to see Inaki de Juana Chaos be returned to Spain saw Mr de Juana Chaos appear in a Belfast Court today.
Speaking today a spokesperson for the group, Kevin Morrison, said:
"The case against Inaki de Juana Chaos is a embarrassing one for the Spanish prosecution to be perusing. Inaki de Juana Chaos has been living openly in both Belfast and Dublin for over four months now and has made himself available to Irish police, the Spanish authorities in the embassy and now in a court in Belfast. These actions highlight that Inaki is a man who has little to hide.
"The entire case is indicative of the repression and control the Spanish government exert in the Basque Country. Day and daily show trials with similar spurious charges are brought against countless individuals and groups. The outcomes are that political parties are banned , human rights and social organisations are closed along with newspapers, magazines and radio stations. This is happening on our doorstep in an EU country.
"The Spanish authorities need to reassess their insistence in pursuing the extradition of Inaki de Juana Chaos. They have constantly abused the basic civil liberties of people inside and outside the Basque Country and this case will draw further attention to that fact."