Basque Info

Basque Info podcast including the news and an interview with Paul Bilbao, director of the Basque language social organizations council Kontseilua:

Basque Info 15/12/10

  • Tribunal accepts Otegi promoted a peace proposal and acquits him and his co-defendants
  • Gernika Agreement gathers international and local support
  • Wikileaks exposes Spanish cruelty and fabrication of charges
  • Another youth denounces being kidnapped

Palestinarekiko elkartasun astea Gasteizen

euskal herria palestina sareaABENDUAK 18, LARUNABATA
20:00 - Principal Antzokia
elkarretaratzea / concentración
Mayumana talde sionista eta Israelen normalizazio politikaren aurka

19:30 - Jesus Obrero Ikastetxean.
hitzaldia / charla
Vivir hoy en Belén. Testimonio de un refugiado palestino
Naji Owdah. Dheisheh errefuxiatuen kanpamenduko Al Phoenix erakundeko zuzendaria
Comunidad Vida Cristiana eta Foro Religioso Popularren laguntzaz

19:30- 70 taberna (kutxi 60)
EL JUDIO ERRADO liburuaren aurkezpena
Alberto Pradilla. Kazetaria eta liburuaren egilea

21:30- Gazteizko Gaztetxean
Jai palestinarra. Palestinako pintxoak (falafel, humus...), elkartasun ekintzen bideo emanaldia... eta musika uhintifadaren eskutik!!!
* Festaren etekina boikot ekintzek eragindako isunetako gastuei aurre egiteko baliatuko dugu

Euskal Herria-Palestina sarea

Basque Info

  • New Basque Pro-Independence Left party’s basis presented
  • France accepts the European arrest warrant against Aurore Martin, member of Batasuna.

The Cornish Stannary Parliament concerned at the arbitrary arrest of people from Askapena

cornwallSolidarity messages to Askapena from The Cornish Stannary Parliament and Stannator John Cutcliffe.

The Cornish Stannary Parliament is seriously concerned at the arbitrary arrest of, HARITZ GANBOA, WALTER WENDELIN, DAVID SOTO, GABI BASAÑEZ and UNAI VÁZQUEZ on the 27th September 2010, by the Spanish Government and advises the Spanish Government to maintain the integrity of its legal system by extending human rights toall citizens of the Spanish state as agreed by the international community in “The United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights with its Optional Protocol”.
