At least 110 deaths in custody of the Spanish State during the year 2008

rubalcaba carceleroInformation from Dublin Basque Comittee.

In the year 2008, we have news of at least 110 dead people while were found in custody of the State, or in the course of police operations: The last one, December 31, in the jail of Zuera, Zaragoza. From January 1, 2001, the known number of people that have died under the circumstances elevates at least to 800. These they are only the cases we know, but ,how many deaths in custody have been produced?. When, who and how will put an end to this situation?. Once more we have to report of this mark of its supposed democracy. Once more we have enough data lack to call the State: murderous.

(some cases are...)

Deaths by actions of the FSE' s or in police stations during the year 2008:

1. 3 of January, W. Ecuadorian citizen dies, after being person under arrest by agents of the Civil Guard of Colmenar Viejo.
2. 8 of January, V. dies when was under arrest in the headquarters of the Civil Guard was found of Burriana (Castellón).
3. 11 of January, a man dies in the headquarters of the Civil Guard of Guardamar del Segura (Alicante)
4. 21 of February, a man of 40 years, die in Markina (Bizkaia), when he was reduced by agents of the Ertzaintza
5. 21 of February, a man of 37 years, he appeared hung in a cell of the Leon police station.
6. 7 of March, a detained man dies after jump out of a window in the locality of Madrid of Rivas Vaciamadrid, when he was under arrest by the Civil Guard.
7. 18 of March, a man dies in Algeciras, Cadiz, upon being reached by a shot performed by an agent of the Civil Guard, when "he fled" of a control.
8. 18 of March, P. of 24 years, dead person in a jail of the Upper Headquarters of Police of Granada appears.
9. 1 of April, G. of 23 years, dead person found in a cell of the Upper Headquarters of Police in Zaragoza.
10. 3 of April, A man of 44 years, dies in the cell of the precinct of the Spanish National Police of Lion.
11. 30 of June, A. of Moroccan origin, appeared hung in the jails of the Local Police Station of Roquetas del Mar, (Almería).
12. 4 of July, A man of 46 years, appeared hung in a cell of the precinct of the Spanish National Police (C. N. P). of Estepona (Malaga).
13. 11 of July, J., of British origin, appeared hung in the jails of the command of the Civil Guard of Murcia.
14. 31 of August. A Nigerian citizen, of 47 years, died in the backwards of Sappers, Valencia.
15. 22 of September. A. of 35 years, passed away in the Hospital Donostia, after being arrest by agents of the local police of San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa).
16. 24 of September. S, of 52 years, died in consequence of a heart attack of myocardium when agents of the Civil Guard registered their vehicle near the Rioja locality of Gimelio.
17. 14 of October.- A Honduran citizen appeared hung in the precinct of the National Police of Getafe (Madrid).
18. 1 of December.- An Ecuadorian citizen, of 32 years, died after a struggle with agents of the Civil Guard. The official version affirms that the dead seized the weapon of an agent and shot to himself.

Deaths in spanish state prisons during the year 2008

21. 6 of January, S. passed away in the prison of Zuera (Zaragoza).
22. 8 of January. J. died in the hospital of the prison of Albolote (Granada).
23. 9 of January. A person passes away in the prison of Teixeiro (TO Coruña).
24. 9 of January, A person dies in the jail of Albolote (Granada).
25. 12 of January. A woman dies in the prison of Nanclares of the Goose (Álava).
26. 13 of January, a prisoner of the Modelo jail of Barcelona, dies in the hospital.
27. 14 of January, a woman of 28 years, died in the prison of Brians (Barcelona).
28. 1 of February, G. passed away in the jail of Granada of Albolote.
29. in the first days of February, a person dies in the prison from TO Lama (Pontevedra).
30. To first of February G. died in the from Cordoba jail of Alcolea.
31. 5 of February, C. of 22 years, appeared hung in the prison Brians 2.
32. 5 of February, F. of 35 years, died in the cell of the jail of Pereiro (Ourense).
33. 8 of February, J. died in the prison of Alcolea (Cordoba).
34. 9 of February, F. died in the module 4 of the jail of Aranjuez (Madrid).
35. 9 of February, J., appeared hung in a cell of the prison from A Lama (Pontevedra). 36. 17 of February, a man of 27 years, died in the prison Seville II.
37. 21 of February, J. passed away in the nursing one of the prison Tenerife II.
38. 28 of February, S. of 27 years, died in the prison of Huelva. There are news of other two deaths in the jail of Aranjuez, in February of this year.

And an surprising data:

Deaths in Young and Kids special centers during the year 2008

92. November. A boy of 12 years, killed itself in the center of smaller "Picón of the Jarama", in Madrid, negotiated by the Foundation OR' Belen.


Center of Documentation against Torture
Point of Scape Magazine
International Red Help