BASQUE INFO 11/11/08


-Another French police operation against the pro-independence movement.
18 people were arrested last Tuesday and Wednesday in the north of the Basque Country by dozens of French policemen. On the 24th of September 14 members and leaders of the pro-independence party Batasuna were also arrested in the north in a similar operation. All of them were released 24 hours later. The same procedure was carried out in last week’s operation. The arrested are well known activists in the Basque language movement and nationalist circles. They have been managing and working in pro-independence bars in recent times. According to the police the arrests were made in relation with the finances of the pro-independence movement.
The anti-repression group Askatasuna said that this is all part of a repressive plan designed by the French government to stop the success of the pro-independence movement in the north of the Basque Country. Askatasuna stated that the current problem in the Basque Country won’t be solved with more police arrests, bannings and prosecutions, but with a democratic process.
Protests against the police operation were held in many different northern villages and towns such as Hazparne (40 people), Itsasu (40), Azkain (45), Larresoro (60), Ziburu (45) and Baiona (100).



Main news of the week:

Increase of repression shows it’s time for change:The left pro-independence movement has denounced the repressive situation in the Basque province of Navarre for the last few weeks. 21 people have been arrested, 14 have claimed they were tortured, 3 political organizations have been banned, 20 demonstrations have been prohibited and attacked, 7 people have been hospitalised and the number of political prisoners has reached an all time high. This situation reflects the deteriorating situation in the Basque Country and the ongoing political conflict.

According to the left pro-independence movement these are times for change. The Spanish state is trying to stop change by using all their repressive tools. The coming months will define the next years situation. The nationalist left believes a democratic situation has to be reached where all political objectives will be able to be defended in the same conditions and in absence of violence.

The Spanish government knows that the left pro-independence movement is the engine for change. This is why they are using illegalization, detentions, tortures, and other repressive methods against political pro-independence activists and organizations.

The Basque pro-independence movement wants to reaffirm its commitment to continue the struggle in all areas to improve the political and living conditions of Basque citizens; and in favour of independence and socialism and calls upon all other sectors who believe in the need of a democratic framework to come together.

Other news in brief: 

Orain Euskal Herria desde Uruguay

Resumen del ultimo programa de "Orain Euskal Herria" de la mano de nuestras compañeras de Uruguay:

  • A la vuelta de la semana vasca-argentina de La Plata, entrevista a cuatro integrantes del grupo Oskorri, al dia siguiente de su presentacion en la Sala Zitarrosa, a su paso por Montevideo.
  • Informe final del Comité de Derechos Humanos de la ONU.
  • Represión y torturas a la juventud en Nafarroa:
  • Movimientos preelectorales en la CAV
  • Juicio a la denuncia del "Apartheid Politico"
  • Se presenta la reina de las carreras populares "Behobia-Donostia" por los presxs politicxs vascxs.
  • Operación policial en Lapurdi.
  • Comunicado de Euskadi Ta Askatasuna
  • Debate parlamentario sobre el Estado de Nafarroa.
  • La izquierda abertzale subraya la «convergencia» entre UPN y PSN.
  • Propuesta parlamentaria conjunta por la libertad de los presos enfermos en la CAV. Preparan un plan para descontaminar la Universidad del Opus Dei.
  • Ultimas noticias del colectivo de presxs politicxs vascxs.
  • La Federación Vasca entierra «Euskal Herria» por «Euskadi»
  • para finalizar la canción interpretada por Gozategi "Euskal Selekzioa".


La naissance d’Askapena

herien mundurantz
euskal herria internazionalista



Poursuivant l'alternance entre les Bogas traitant de sujets d'actualité et d’autres plus « historiques », nous allons exposer ici la conjoncture internationale et nationale ayant servi de cadre, en 1987, à la fondation de l’organisation internationaliste basque Askapena.

