Belfaste Basque Committee/EHrekiko Elkartasun Euskal Komiteak deituta 20 lagun bildu ziren atzo Belfasteko epaitegiaren aurrean Inaki de Juanari sustengua adierazteko.
Hauxe da Irish Basque Solidarity Committees-k atera duen agiria:
-In the 21st century the Basque Country, the oldest nation in Europe, has still its rights denied. The Basque Country suffers a continued repressive attack from both the French and Spanish states. Among the last few years attacks we can include:
-the bannings of political parties and social and human rights organizations.
-the closing down of newspapers, magazines and radio stations.
-the arrests and tortures of hundreds of social and political activists.
-the lack of freedom of speech, association and reunion.
-the scattering in 82 jails of 756 Basque political prisoners.
-the illegal imprisonment of ill prisoners and the extension of sentences up to 40 years in prison.
-We support the right of the Basque people to live free from any kind of harassment in the Basque Country and anywhere else in the world.
-We support the right of the Basque people to decide their future freely, the right to self-determination.
-Finally, and with all of this in mind, we want to show all our support to former Basque political prisoner and hunger striker Inaki de Juana.
Irish Basque Solidarity Committees